2021 Estate Vineyard, Wadensvil Block Pinot Noir 3L

Description: We have been telling the story of this block of the vineyard for quite some time now. While we have been producing it consistently since 2015 (2020 excepted) the block dates back to its planting in 1997. Overcropped in its first year of production (1999) the full 3 acres was in dire straits when we purchased the vineyard in 2000. Several years of careful work went into nursing the plants back to health and another several years to begin to coax out the potential from this multi-sloped section in the very back of the vineyard.
In 2021 the June heat dome actually accelerated the growth in plants along the top spine of the vineyard. The Wadensvil block run nearly the breadth of the site and, thus, a portion at the very top was picked a few days earlier than the fruit on the sides. This left the steeply sloping western portion and lightly sloping eastern portion to be picked and fermented separately as well. We have a fascinating array of fermenters, fermentations and barrels to choose from to pick out what we are certain is going to be the most amazing bottling we have done from this block. There is a wealth of intensity, structure and a mélange of both red and black fruits that will all come together in the final bottling to create a wine that is true to this site and spectacular in its own right. This is a phenomenal and unique bottling.