(503) 554-0821
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Thank you very much for representing Patricia Green Cellars out in the market – we really value your hard work and commitment to sharing these special wines with your clientele.  We have attempted to provide information here that we think you will find useful in the education of customers and sales of these wines.  Please let us know what additional resources we can provide and we will do our best to include them in these informational pages! 

You can find the technical details for the 2022 Vintage Here.  Should you be fortunate to have wines available from past vintages, those tech sheets can be found on the sidebar to your left.  If you need information on a wine you don't see here, please shoot me an email and I would be happy to help!  

Link to Patricia Green Cellars Willamette Valley 101 Virtual Tasting.


Melissa Groshong  

National/International Sales Director

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We accept tasting appointments daily at 11:00am, 1:00pm and 3:00pm. To make an appointment to visit us, please email: tasting@patriciagreencellars.com or call at (503)554-0821

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